Monday, July 27, 2009

Hot fun in the summer time...

I know the weather may not want to admit it, it is summer time.  Whether you're making the best of the weather or hanging out at home, call Shannon to come out and document your Sunday afternoon or weeknight barbeque to be remembered.  Book before the end of August and take advantage of a hot deal!  For just $75 you get a passionate photographer for an hour wherever you are and a CD of high resolution images from the session.  Shannon will provide you with all the original files as well as edits of her favourites for you to use however you want.  Email Shannon now to take advantage of this short term deal!

Oh Baby!

Shannon loves to document everything baby!  From the "sleeping beauty" moments to the "cryin' out loud" moments.  From the tips of their toes to...well 'cmon their little bums are cute too!

First try at this

Hi everyone!  Welcome to my blog.  This is Shannon entering the age of technology here and we'll see how it goes.  Please send me your feedback.  Enjoy!